Being a Highlander

This band has had many, many, members over the years, but what, more than anything else, makes someone a real Highlander?

Is it the skill of their playing? the number of rehearsals they made it to? Is it the best set of pipes? the latest gadgets? were they a Pipe Major or Lead Drummer or someone who hosted parties at their home? Someone who was in the band for a really long time? Maybe someone who just quietly did what they thought would be helpful at the right times.

If you think about how lucky you are to be with a great group of people, at a great point in time, and you really enjoy showing up to a rehearsal even if you’re not prepared, or it’s grueling, or you’re busy, or preoccupied, you might be a real Highlander.

If you think about past Highlanders’ drama, difficulty, turmoil and triumphs, and wonder how you measure up against over a century of memories, you might be a real Highlander.

You can’t teach it, it just needs to somehow emerge from your DNA, one day open your eyes and realize you give a shit for no reason you can explain, and you just go with it.

Chances are, you might be really good at some other things too!

In over one hundred years, many individuals have worn the same patch on their sleeve. Some probably never bothered to think about how or why they ended up as one of the ever evolving cast, but to others, an inexplicable ideal required no further consideration.

It’s not reasonable to expect that everyone who passed through this corridor in life had the same epiphany but silent honor goes out to those whose journey positively impacted this great organization!